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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to common questions arranged by topic.


Free vs. Premium

What is the difference between a free mixtape and premium mixtape?

Free mixtapes include your selected music and your selected top frame (thumbnail). Premium mixtapes enable you to add a cover image for the mixtape that has your desired title, the athlete's stats and info, the game info, and more. After using the starter coins, you have to earn or buy coins to make premium mixtapes.   



How do I capture a highlight?
When you see a special moment while recording, tap the highlight button. It’s okay if you tap a little before or a little after the special moment occurs. The highlight button is located at the bottom of the recording screen. In response, FyeTime will automatically capture a clip of the special moment.   


What happens if I leave the recording screen without tapping the ‘done’ button?
FyeTime will save the captured clips in the Clips Library. 


What happens if I run out of phone storage or battery life while recording?
You run the risk of losing the clips that you intended to capture. Before you start recording, be sure you have enough storage space and battery life on your phone.  


How do I capture a stat?
You can capture stats during the live action. To do so, you must change the ‘Collect Stats’ switch to “yes” in the setup or in the Dashboard. If you do that, each time you tap the highlight button, FyeTime displays a stats popup on the recording screen. Tap the desired stats button on the popup (e.g., three pointer or goal), and the popup will then disappear.  In the stats popup, you can tap “other” if the athlete’s highlight is just a flashy, fancy or memorable action. You can also manually edit and add stats at the bottom of the premium mixtape cover screen.  


How do I take a picture while recording?
Tap the camera icon at the left side of the recording screen.  In response, the phone will take a picture. 


Making Mixtapes

After recording, how do I make a mixtape?

On the recording screen, tap the ‘done’ button. Then, tap the ‘create mixtape’ button. It’s that easy. 

If you want to stop recording without creating a mixtape right away, tap the ‘done’ button. Then, tap the ‘go  home’ button. When you’re ready to create a mixtape with the clips that you captured, go to the Clips Library screen. Select the clips in the Current Clips section, and tap the mix icon. 


Can I download and use the mixtapes outside of FyeTime?
Yes. You can download the mixtapes in MP4 format and use them outside of FyeTime.


Can I decide what content goes in the mixtape cover?
If you create a premium mixtape, you can customize the content in the mixtape cover.  For example, you can add your desired title, and it’s your option whether to include the athlete’s photo, name, graduation year, jersey #, stats, team’s name, opponent’s name, and final game score.   


How do I merge several mixtapes into a single mixtape?
At the home screen, tap the merge icon located to the right of the search box. This will reveal unchecked circles on all mixtapes. Tap the circles to set your preferred order.  The first mixtape you tap will be labeled “1,” the second one you tap will be labeled “2,” and so on.  The order in which you tap the mixtapes determines the order of the mixtapes. To change the order, re-tap the most recent mixtapes (highest number first), one-by-one until satisfied. Then, tap the merge icon again. 


Price & Coins for Premium Mixtapes 

How can I earn coins?
Currently, you can earn 100 coins by completing a survey, and you can earn 25 coins by posting your mixtape to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. To qualify, you must perform the posting within FyeTime using FyeTime’s in-app share feature. At the home screen, tap the share icon on a mixtape. Then you may attempt to post the mixtape. The coin feature is currently only available for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The posting might be blocked, suspended or fail depending on the rules and interface protocols of the applicable social media platform, which frequently change. You may not earn coins by re-posting the same mixtape to the same platform or to different platforms.  If you successfully post and earn coins, FyeTime will generate a pop-up indicating this, and your coin balance in the coins screen will increase.  


What is the price after my coins run out?
At FyeTime's introductory pricing, the price is currently USD $0.25 cents per premium mixtape.  See FyeTime Pro’s coin screen for details. The pricing is subject to change from time to time.    


How can I buy more coins?
You can buy coins at FyeTime’s coin screen. It’s an in-app purchase connected to your Apple account.



Can I change the Quick Setup settings after I set them up the first time?
Yes. To change this and other settings, tap the menu icon in the top left corner of FyeTime. Then tap the Dashboard or Athlete Info icons to make your changes. 


How can I change the athlete’s info?
Tap the menu icon in the top left corner of FyeTime. The tap the Athlete Info icon to change the athlete’s name, jersey # and other info. 


What does “Collect Stats” mean in the settings?
In the Quick Setup screen (and also in the Dashboard), you can select “yes” or “no” to Collect Stats.  If you select “yes,” when you tap the highlight button while recording, a stats list will popup. You can then tap the appropriate stat. FyeTime collects the tapped stats and lets you display the stat results in the premium mixtape cover. Currently, FyeTime only collects stats for basketball, football and soccer.    


What does “Clip Settings” mean in the settings?
Before you start recording, the clip settings enable you to adjust the time window for the highlight clips.  For example, you may wish to have a large time window for baseball and a smaller time window for basketball or soccer.  


What does “Cut Back” mean in the clip settings?
This lets you capture the action leading up to the highlight moment. Say a basketball player makes a shot, and you tap the highlight button when the ball goes through the net.  If you set the “Cut Back” to 5, FyeTime will cut 5 seconds backward, starting the highlight clip from 5 seconds before the ball went through the net. That way, the highlight clip will show the player’s action that led up to the score.  FyeTime’s standard setting for Cut Back (6 seconds) is appropriate for most cases.   


What does “Cut Forward” mean in the clip settings?
This lets you capture the action that follows the highlight moment. Say you tap the highlight button when a football player sacks the quarterback. If you set the “Cut Forward” to 4, FyeTime will cut 4 seconds forward, ending the highlight clip 4 seconds after the sack. That way, the highlight clip will show the tackler driving the quarterback to the ground and celebrating. FyeTime’s standard setting for Cut Forward (3 seconds) is appropriate for most cases.


Sports & Other Action

Can I use FyeTime to film any type of event?
Yes. If you select the “Other” category in the settings, you can use FyeTime to film any type of action or event.  Note that you will not be able to collect stats if you select the “Other” category.  


Does FyeTime collect stats for every type of sport?
No. Currently, FyeTime only collects stats for basketball, football and soccer.  In the future, we plan to add sports based on popular demand. If you would like us to add a sport, please tell us via our contact page. 


Other Topics

How is the athlete’s personal information used?
You are not required to input the athlete’s personal info into any mixtape. You control what info goes into your mixtapes. You control whether to post or share your mixtapes. For example, you can add a nickname or fictitious name for the athlete.  Just like anything else you post online, if you put personal info in a mixtape, this info will be displayed to the public when you publicly share or post the mixtape. Please use your best judgment in deciding upon which info to put in a mixtape when using FyeTime.    


What is the video format?
FyeTime stores the mixtapes in MP4 format.  


How can I free-up space on my phone?
You can delete mixtapes in the Home screen, and you can delete clips in the Clips Library. 


Can I save storage space on my phone by pausing during a game?
Yes. While recording, tap the red recording circle in the lower left corner to pause recording during timeouts, halftimes or whenever the athlete is not playing or participating.  


Are there ads in FyeTime?
FyeTime does not currently display any ads.  


Is there an Android version of FyeTime?
No.  Currently, there is only an iOS version of FyeTime for Apple users.  We will add an Android version based on demand.  So please let us know if you are interested in an Android version.

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